Robotic raspberry teaches robots to pick fruit


How do you make a robot better at picking fruit?

These days when you tuck into a tomato soupprepare some roast potatoes or take a sip of wine - theres a good chance that those fruits  and vegetables were harvested by machines.

Its quicker, cheaper and can mean  less food waste from labour shortages.

But some plants are easier for  machines to harvest than others.

Soft fruit need a delicate touchand the raspberry has proved a particular problem for robotic pickers.

So far machines havent been able to match up to a humans ability to pluck the fruit from the stem without crushing it But now a team in Switzerland  think they have a solution and

its this.

A robotic raspberry.

This fake fruit is designed to train  robots to be better raspberry pickers.

It mimics elements of a real raspberry - the  squishiness, the way it clings to the stem, the way the stem itself bends when you pull on it
