

02 非洲的大象王国 Africa's Elephant Kingdom

Bull elephants move away from our families to live on our own.

We are bigger and stronger than any other animal in the wild lands and can basically go where we want.

We lead gentle, wandering lives, content to feed and travel alone.

Often, though, we will seek out other bulls and, for a time, keep each other company.

Our life's work is quite simpleto grow as big and as strong as we can, then to pass those qualities on to our offspring, ensuring the survival of our line.

It is mostly a life alone but not a lonely life.

We are generally quiet, placid creatures, content to amuse ourselves.

But there comes a time in each year when things change, when our friendliness is temporarily left behind.

It is the time for us to mate, when we depend on strength, dominance, and aggression.

A mating bull moving among a family causes great excitement.
