

2021年英语专业八级真题听力 Mini-lecture(2)

And how do they do it? Let me tell you.

Institutions would add new units that focus on generating external grants and bringing new technology to market.

They would build conference centers and create for-profit subsidiaries.

All these are done to generate more revenue for institutions.

What are the implications of this?

Well, the implications are that academic research is increasingly focused on marketable knowledge, entrepreneurial priorities are taking precedence, services are being outsourced, and students are carrying an increasing burden to pay higher tuition fees for their education.

Then how do university administrators view this trend?

That is, the marketplace is showing stronger impact on how institutions are run.

In fact, university administrators see little option except to respond to the marketplace.

The reason is, if their institution does not react effectively, it will not have the necessary resources to offer high-quality and diverse academic programs.
