凯蒂·佩里获VMA先锋成就奖获奖感言 Katy Perry Accepts the Video Vanguard Award | 2024 VMAs


在刚刚落下帷幕的2024年度VMA颁奖典礼上,水果姐Katy Perry获得先锋成就奖这一崇高荣誉。在获奖感言中,她感谢了自己的团队、唱片公司、家人及支持她的粉丝。她呼吁大家适时阻挡外界声音,忠于自己的内心,学会关闭社交软件,暂停繁忙的生活,亲近自然。

Thank you so much to MTV for believing in my weirdness from day one and for helping artists extend their worlds beyond a song.

There are so many things that have to align to have a long and successful career as an artist.

There are no decade-long accidents.

So I would like to acknowledge a few people.

My team who have been with me for over 20 years, Direct Management, and my label Capital Records.

Trust me, it takes a village of strong people, a lot of healthy discourse, and a lot of group chats.

My parents and my family, the deepest roots I know, we don't always agree, but what a lesson that those disagreements can still be full of love.

Thank you to Myspace, Warped Tour, and all the bygone places where I found a voice, identity, and a community so early on.

Thank you to the friends that were there when my Jetta was repossessed.

My Katy Cats who stood by me for a lifetime, and the LGBTQ community, who I recognize, I would not be here without, and who show me that you can be both kind and cute.
