了解拒绝邀请的十大方法 Learn the Top 10 Ways to Reject an Invitation


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Hi, everybody, welcome back to top words. My name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about 10 ways to reject an invitation.

So hopefully these are 10 ways to make your rejection a little bit softer, a little more polite. So let's go.

Sorry, I already have plans. The first phrase is sorry, I already have plans. Sorry, I already have plans. Sorry, I already have plans is nice because it's very vague.

I have plans so there's something else I'm planning to do, I already. So before this conversation I made different plans and sorry, so I apologize. Sorry, I already have plans.

This is a very useful phrase, very vague, kind of open. So in a sentence: Thanks for the dinner invite, but sorry, I already have plans.

I can't go, I have to... The next phrase is I can't go, I have to blah blah blah. So I can't go or I can't do the activity you suggested. I can't go, I have to study.

I can't go, I have to work. I can't go, I have to have dinner with my family. I can't go, I have to have a meeting. I can't go, I have to wash my dog.

So I can't go, I have this other thing I'm responsible for. I have to do something else. So in another sentence: I can't go, I have to work late.
