What If You Only Drank Energy Drinks?


Whether it's to fuel your late night study session or trying to stay alert on the job,

energy drinks are very popular with 76% of young adults consuming them. But what would happen if you only drank energy drinks?

One sip and the feel-good effect is almost immediate. When the sugar molecules hit your taste buds,

it triggers your brain to release dopamine. The hormone responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being.

This makes sense considering the sugar content of one can ranges from 2 teaspoons to a whopping

14 teaspoons per serving, depending on the brand.

Within 10 minutes both your heart rate and blood pressure increase in response to adrenaline release,

caused by the introduction of caffeine into your body. How much caffeine?

As high as 242 mg per serving. To compare, a serving of brewed coffee contains

95 to a 165 mg of caffeine, brewed black tea contains 25 to 38 mg,
