为什么专业骑手不来瑞士这条美丽的路上骑行 Theres a reason NO pro cycling race will ever go DOWN this AMAZING road in Switzerland


Yo, howdy. welcome to today's episode of tip it in Tuesday. today I am doing this pass. This is the tremolo pass in switzerland just outside of andermart.

I've actually just come up the other side. I came up from Andaman on the Gotthard pass and uh then I'm gonna go down the Tremolo pass which is this side.

This descents about 12 kilometers long. i think it averages about six or seven percent, but what's interesting is not the fact that its length or its gradient or even how beautiful it is which you can see here.

it's more about the fact that this is a cobbled descent or a cobbled climb, super interesting that they've got cobbles and i thought i have to show this one off. i did the alpine breve yesterday.

the alpine breve was a 268 kilometer 7 000 meter fondo so i'm pretty cooked today it's sunday i'm having a rest day i'm out take some photos i'm going to whack my gopro in my mouth i'm going to do the descent of the tremolo pass down to irolo and then i'll head back to andermat and have a relax so without saying too much more let's crack on and do the tremolo pasta scent and i will see you guys on the other side enjoy [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] hmm i [Music] so [Music] okay bye [Music] hey [Music] [Music] alrighty and that is tremolo palms out the way that was super wild what an amazing descent lots of cobbles lots of fast flowy corners some cobbled corners which weren't fast or flowy but good fun all the same i hope you guys enjoyed that if you did make sure to give it a like and if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet and you want to see more stuff like that definitely do i'll see you guys in the next episode soon
