辨析stare和look at | 英语初级语法 Difference between "Stare" and "Looking at" | English Grammar for Beginners


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Hi, everybody, welcome back to Ask Alisha, the weekly series where you ask me questions and I answer them. Maybe... let's get to your first question this week.

First question this week comes from Gerardo Vega. Hi, Gerardo. Gerardo says hi, Alisha, I'd like to know the difference between stare and look at. Thank you so much.

Okay, yeah, nice question. So let's break down the differences between stare and look. Let's begin by reviewing the meaning of the verb to look.

So to look means to focus your eyes on something, to direct your eyes on to something. So for example, we could say look at the camera or look over there or look at this picture.

Right? It means move your eyes and use them to focus your attention or direct your eyes in this direction or that direction.

So to look is like the most basic way that we can talk about seeing something. Right? It's about directing the eyes in some way.

On the other hand, to stare means to direct your eyes on something and not move. So when we stare at something, we look at it for a very long time and with very strong focus.

We use the word to stare when we're talking about looking at other people a lot and this is often used to talk about uncomfortable situations.
