

Why Does the C.I.A. Need Puppets?

When you walk in the room, do you have sway?

I'm Kara Swisher, and you're listening to "Sway." You know how basically in every spy movie, there's a scene where the hero retreats to an underground lair, and the nerdy scientist shows off their latest gadget, like a flute that turns into a rifle or exploding gum.

Now watch very carefully.

An ordinary tin of talcum powder.

Inside, a tear gas cartridge that goes in the case -- My guest today is that scientist.

Dawn Meyerriecks is the CIA's top technologist.

If you watch the Bond movies, she's basically the head of Q Branch.

Meyerriecks oversees the CIA's secretive Directorate of Science and Technology, also known as DS&T. Her department makes the disguises and tools every intel officer needs to spy for America's interests.

But wigs and fake mustaches can only get you so far these days.

Artificial intelligence and facial recognition make it almost impossible for a case officer to move around unnoticed.
