为什么人类会感到尴尬 Why Are Humans Awkward_


We can all recognize awkwardness when it happens, but some people seem more prone to awkward moments than others.

They have to adapt to society's social norms, but it's hard because their brains function a little bit differently.

So why do humans feel awkwardness?

According to Ty Tashiro, author of the appropriately-titled book 'Awkward', this is part of human evolution.

In hunter-gatherer times, sticking with social norms, like saying thank you when someone gives you something, or waiting your turn for food, was a way to keep tight-knit groups together and keep out anyone who might be a threat.

Today, we're still sensitive to tiny, even silly social customs like responding to "how are you" with "fine" as a sign of mutual respect.

When you deviate from those norms, it's awkward.

And for some people, these social graces just don't come naturally.

Take eye contact, for example.

Studies say the right amount of eye contact during conversations is about 3.3 seconds.
