Should we all live in 15-minute cities? | BBC Ideas


I wish I could afford the rent.

There is a big problem with air pollution.

The city is growing without any kind of order or any kind of planning.

Half the world's population live in them, and by the end of the century it will be more like 90%.

Over the last sort of 20 years, we've been talking about urbanisation is the way forward, but we've seen during Covid, people's dynamics and priorities are really changing so this is a real moment in time where we have to rethink and almost get behind a new vision of the city.

ARCHIVE NARRATOR: Ever watch the morning traffic when people are going to work?

Mostly it's one car, one person, a tonne or two of metal that takes up 130 square feet of space, more or less.

The main issue of cities is that they are suffering from too many cars.

Excessive traffic, the noise... It's very difficult to stay calm in such a stressful environment as a big city.

So often we design the city with a view to optimising the city for the paid daytime labour market.
