Five things you never knew about whiskers | BBC Ideas


I study whiskers because they're just the best.

Most mammals, they have whiskers, and what's exciting about them is that there's so much stuff that we don't know.

I like to look at something that we see every day and then find out really cool and interesting things about them.

Lots of people, when they hear about whiskers, they think immediately of cat whiskers.

But, actually, other animals have much better whiskers - they're more sensitive, they're bigger, they move more than cats' whiskers.

Porcupine whiskers are just the longest whiskers I've seen.

The one that I've got back in the lab is about 45 cm long, and they move them almost continually, and then they kind of bump and move and vibrate around over the material that they're on so you can really see that they're moving all the time.

Hi, gorgeous!

It's very difficult to study the evolution of whiskers because hair isn't really preserved in the fossil record.

So we have a look at this little hole here which is called the infraorbital foramen, or whisker holes.
