Does being paid more make you work harder? | BBC Ideas


Back in the 1940s, there was a psychologist called Dunker.

He gave his participants a candle in a box with some tacks and he asked them to fix the candle onto the wall in whichever way they could.

Luxburg in the 1960s went back to the original Dunker experiment with a different variation.

So one group were told that they were given a financial incentive if they did it quickly and another group were told that they were doing it just to see how long this experiment took.

So what we should do is attach the candle to the cork board so that when you light the candle the wax doesn't drip onto the table.

The tack isn't long enough to go through the candle.

He's going to light the candle even though it's not fixed to the board, which could actually be very dangerous.

I was just thinking maybe if I put one of the pins at the back of the board, I wasn't expecting the board to catch fire.

Trying to create some kind of little cradle.

The candle was just falling apart and then all of a sudden worked out.
