Four things bats can teach us about survival | BBC Ideas


Bats are more like us than you would think, because they live a really long time and that's really unusual for a mammal of that size.

So a mammal of that size usually lives one to two years and bats can live up to 40 years which is amazing.

They have a really interesting repair mechanism for their DNA, so they can repair all the DNA that is broken and they never get cancer.

Bats are very resilient animals.

They also have a number of adaptations that make them very good at surviving in harsh environments.

Bats use loads of different senses.

So bats use their eyes, so they're not blind, but they also use sense of smell.

So they have big smell regions of their brains when they need to find food.

The primary sense that many bats use is echolocation, or sonar in human terms.

Although the bats have been using these signals for 50 million years, we've been using them for maybe 100 years.
