人们没有意识到的最大环境问题是什么 What Is the Biggest Environmental Problem People Don't Know About_


The biggest environmental problem people don't know about.

Well, a lot of people are ignoring or choosing to ignore or choosing to disagree with climate change.

I think it's how little water there is actually on the planet.

If the earth was the size of a basketball.

If you took, even though we say it's 70% covered with water, if you take all the water off that earth, it would fit into a ping pong.

The freshwater is 3% of that ping pong ball.

So it's a, it's a grain of salt.

That's all the fresh water on earth and so it has to go in just the right places, in just the right amounts at just the right time of year or civilizations get unstable, animals die of growing seasons changed.

It's incredibly sensitive but I think people think that there's an awful lot of water.

It is not.
