怎样做才能更快乐 What Can We Do to Be Happier_


What could every person do to be happier?


Dancing is good.

What we can do to be happier is slow down.

We live in such a fast-paced world that's full of so many exciting things happening all the time.

But I find that the biggest challenge is really not trying to do all those things and really carving out spaces of time in your day where you can just do nothing, or you can sit with a friend, or you can read a book.

But really taking that time for yourself.

When you ask people: "What makes you happy or how could you be happier?", they always begin by talking about relationships with other people: with their kids, with their parents, with their spouse, or with their romantic partners, with their neighbors, with their bosses, people they work with.

It's mostly about relationships. That's what people say.

Try to assume the best about other people, because, yes, some people will exploit you and you'll make yourself vulnerable by being kind, but that vulnerability will afford the opportunity for closer social connections which, of course, is the best recipe I know of for happiness on this earth.
