杰夫·范德米尔谈《湮灭》、《乌托邦》和气候变化 Jeff VanderMeer on 'Annihilation,' Utopia, and Climate Change


I've always been writing about climate change.

It shocks me sometimes that there are articles that act like this is something new, because I remember in the late '80s and early '90s writing a series of stories and a novel that were set in a desert-like Earth that was the result of climate change.

Having been kind of a nomad before I came to Florida, finally having a place where over 20-25 years I settled in and I knew the environment, I knew the hiking trails.

All of that went into 'Annihilation' in a way that was different from my other work.

The setting of 'Annihilation' is the hiking trail I do out at St. Marks, with uncanny elements thrown in.

The Gulf Oil Spill was a pivotal part of coming up with Area X, because while it was going on, we really didn't know if it would ever end.

Some experts were saying there might be oil still spilling 20 years from now.

It was a constant spillage in your headthere was a constant drip in your head.

And I think that came out in this desire of my subconscious to protect the areas that I loved.

And more or less I did that by putting an invisible border around them and returning them to a pristine state of nature.
