Luhan Yang: How to create a world where no one dies waiting for a transplant


Hi everyone. I would like to introduce you to Laika.

To most of us, Laika is simply a very cute pig. However, to hundreds of thousands of patients in need of a lifesaving organ

Laika is a symbol of hope. You see, ever since the 1970s,

when organ transplants became a real option for patients with kidney failure and other organ diseases,

organ supply has been an issue. Over the last few decades,

the issue only worsened as organ demand has exponentially increased. Currently in the US,

there are close to 115,000 patients in need of a lifesaving organ transplant.

By the end of my talk, one more patient will be added to this list.

Today, about 100 people will get a new organ, a chance to start their life anew,

and yet by the end of today, 20 others will die waiting.
