Abstract: Aim:To establish the methods of microfertilization and explore the fertilizing potential of mouse sperm obtained from caput epididymidis and cauda epididymidis.
摘 要: 目的:建立显微受精的方法,并探讨小鼠附睾精子在显微注射进入卵后的受精能力。
Abstract: Aim:To establish the methods of microfertilization and explore the fertilizing potential of mouse sperm obtained from caput epididymidis and cauda epididymidis.
摘 要: 目的:建立显微受精的方法,并探讨小鼠附睾精子在显微注射进入卵后的受精能力。
Conclusion The electrofusion efficiency may he improved by inserting more somatic cells into PVS when the somatic cells have a low electrofusion efficiency with oocytes.
Then their synthese speed slows down.But the synthese of RNA and DNA inthe follicular cell is continuous during vitellogenesis, which may relate toformation of livetin.
The secondary oocyte now divides again into two new cells of unequal size: a relatively large ootid (mature egg cell) and a minute second polar body.