2.Ten years later, she chose to take Australian citizenship.
3.These new Australian sailors have never seen a banian day.
4.He liked the wide open spaces of the Australian countryside.
5.The Australian Government gave us a koala bear as a gesture of friendship.
6.She had a slight Australian twang.
7.Totemism is the behaving criterion of Australian Aboriginal people, which impenetrate almost every aspect of their life.
8... One, the Oceania that Australia of Australian nature general situation is located in the Southern Hemisphere, seagirt.
9.Roland Garros Champion; Wimbledon Champion; Olympic Gold Medal; and No.1 Rankings; Now New Australian Open Titlist .
10.The original oldest dog on record was an Australian cattle dog named Bluey, who lived to 29 years and 5 months.
11.Australian Shepherd - retinal dysplasia occurs with other eye disorders, such as an oval pupil, microcornea (small cornea), cataracts, and retinal detachment.
12.Our company's main business is to sell and promote Hogget Creek Shiraz Dry Red wine, which is from the Australian company World Wide Direct Pty Ltd's Eureka winery.
13.This Australian Karri wood has a beautiful mahogany color; used extensively in the building industry, particularly in roofs due to the length and uninterrupted knot-free nature of the trunk.
14.Joseph Forshaw, the world renowned parrot expert and author of the classic Australian Parrots book, said he had never heard of a galah crossing with a cockatiel anywhere in the world.