1.Canadian French is different from the language of metropolitan France.
2.Examples include filamentous algae such as Spirogyra, and waterweeds like the Canadian pondweed (Elodea).
3.The university is represented in Canadian Interuniversity Sport by the Guelph Gryphons .
大学派代参加在加拿大校际体育的圭尔夫Gryphons 。
4.9 see joke: An American, a southron and a Canadian die in a traffic accident.
5.Canadian Grant Kippen is the chairman of the ECC, of which three of the five members are appointed by the U.N. Secretary General.
6."It is common to find people of French Canadian descent to be related to large numbers of other French Canadians," said genealogist Christopher Child, who conducted the research.
7.Reports say Ambassador Galbraith has sided with the Canadian chairman of the Electoral Complaints Commission, Grant Kippen, to take a hard line and toss out all tainted ballots.
8.The Canadian researchers randomly assigned about half of the addicts to receive methadone and the other half to receive daily injections of diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient in heroin.
9.Above, the Medusa-like arms of a northern basket star (right) seek a meal of zooplankton beside a polar alcyonarian soft coral in the shallows beneath an ice sheet in the Canadian Arctic.