2.Germania’s capital, Berlin, became a Nazi showplace.
3.Berlin was divided into four sectors after the war.
战后柏分成了4 个区。
4.The antifascist urban commune exists in Berlin since early 2006.
5.Berlin is a microcosm of Germany, in unity as in division.
6.He’s shacked up with some girl he met in Berlin.
7.Bernd Weise, of the Amphicar Club Berlin, piloted his 1961 Amphicar through the canals in Venice.
8.Half a million ravers packed into Berlin City Square with one sole aim - to have the time of their lives.
9.One day Hoover hurried to Berlin to protest against the piratical act of a German submarine in sinking a Belgian relief ship.
10.In this programme, Tim Benton considers two of Scharoun's domestic designs of this decade: the Mohrmann house and the Scharf house in Berlin.
11.People in my age always have paradoxy feelings toward the Berlin Wall. We all know what it represented, but we never understand why what it represented was so important.