1.The campus of Harvard University is very beautiful.
2.Rhena Jasey, a Harvard graduate, is on a teaching dream team.
3.He went to Harvard—as he never tires of reminding us.
4.A conspectus of Hubei woody plants in the Harvard University Herbaria, U.S.A.
5.Has the Harvard catalog come yet?
6.A Harvard hoopster with pro-level talent?
7.He was educated in Harvard.
8.Pere Alberch, at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, is the modern spokesman for the importance of teratology in evolutionary biology.
9.Next, the Harvard researchers plan to optimize their design in an attempt to increase the output power to milliwatts, from its nanowatt levels today.
10.As part of the program, Lown Scholars may also return to Harvard periodically for short-term stays of one week to several months to continue collaborations.
11.In the March issue of the Harvard Business Review, Tammy Erickson and Lynda Gratton came up with some practical ideas that might help even the most unengaging of managers.
12.Even naps are beneficial, according to a Harvard study in which subjects who took a 90-minute snooze after learning a task performed 50 percent better over a 24-hour period than the napless group.