3.Pembrokeshire has an abundance of wildlife and natural history.
4.The Kizilsu palynofloras are characterized by the dominance of coniferae, abundance of schizaeaceous ferns and presence of primitive angiospermous pollen.
5.In this paper,a type of kilomega bps chips group for ether net which surpasses the standards by large abundance is presented.
6.Secondary in abundance are aromatic sester and sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons,but aromatic diterpenoids, most of the regular PAH are found at trace levels only.
7.Soil collembolan is deemed as an epitome of soil invertebrate and medium-sized soil animals because of its abundance in species and hugeness in biomass.
8.Uranium isotope abundance ratio has been measured by total sample evaporation and signal integration,and a thermal surface ionization mass sepctrometry equipped with multicollector has been used.