1.Metadoxine is an intermediate of medicine used in curing acute-care and chronic alcoholism.
2.The doctor wrote a treatise on alcoholism.
3.Excessive drinking induces alcoholism.
4.My mother seems to think that even a small drink is the start of the slippery slope towards alcoholism.
5.It’s well known that the world of entertainment has its seamy side: drug abuse, corruption, alcoholism …
6.Mr Aldrin describes the rockiness of his own post-moon life: alcoholism, depression, two failed marriages and a sad end to his air-force career.
7.Chronic alcoholism could contribute to impairment of nerve system and brain functions, even some psychiatric disorder such as hallucination, heteroptics, acousma and so on.
8.In the patients with chronic alcoholism caused by lastingly drinking high degree wine,54% had hepatomegaly and liver parenchyma showed lipoidal-change acoustic image at varied degree.