3.Objective To investigate the effect of Tongluo prescription on the antioxidative system and the vascular endo-thelium of thoracic aorta in diabetic rats.
4.Conclusion The hypothermia,extracorporeal circulation,clamp of aorta and drugs,etc.can lead to decrease of HRV in cardiac surgery.The resume of autonomic cardioneural system was a slow process.
5.Figure 9. Case 7. Additional vessel (purple) behind the 4-chamber view next to the aorta (red). This vessel represents an azygous or hemizygous continuation of an interrupted inferior vena cava.
6.He recalls a mother in her late 20s who came to him because she had an inoperable defect in her aorta that would rupture at some undeterminable time in the future, killing her instantly.