1.John stiffly lent himself to her aromatic embraces.
2.Benzoxazole, where the oxazole is fused to another aromatic ring.
3.Nitryl aromatic hydrocarbon affect environment and human health mainly by waste water, dust and smoke.
4.The freshly brewed aromatic Hainanese Coffee and the light sourish remind people of traditonal coffee.
5.The oxidation,displacement and esterification of aromatic amines,aromatic amides and organic boranes using sodium perborate as oxidizing agent were reviewed.
6.Good relationship exists among total pore volume, specific surface area and aromatic microcrystallite size in coal char.
7.Selection of Malvasia grapes, collected fresh at correct ripeness. Fresh, crystalline, lightly aromatic. It reminds apricot and pear.
8.Methods A serials of thiosemicarbazones were synthesized by utilizing aromatic aldehyde,aromatic ketone and thiosemicarbazide in aqueous solution under ultrasound irradiation.
9.Organic colors related to carcinogenic aromatic amine, especially the important intermediate 3,3' dichloroaniline of organic color are discussed in details.
10.The Applications of Arylboronic Acid in biaryl synthesis,synthesis of diaryl ethers,synthesis of aromatic amines and catalytic addition reactions were summarized.
11.Secondary in abundance are aromatic sester and sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons,but aromatic diterpenoids, most of the regular PAH are found at trace levels only.
12.Trung Nguyen Coffee beans are exceptionally aromatic and rich, possessing a fullness of flavor that has been lost in modern, overbred Arabicas。
13.The application of transketolase for industrial purpose, such as production of ethanol, biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids and enantiotopic chemicals were reviewed.
14.As the isocyan group is polymerized further, diphenyl carbondiimine may be formed, further polymerization of which forms a nitrogen-containing polycyclic aromatic compound.
15.The results showed that the main compound categories of aromatic components were alcohols, esters, terpenes and ketones for all half-highbush blueberry cultivars.
16.Result The top 5 chemical allergic resources of these patients were 0.1% thiomersalate, 5% nickel sulfate,7% aromatic compound,1% formaldehyde( water solution),1% styrene.
17.Technology Progress of producing BTX aromatics from heavy fraction of pyrolysis gasoline and correlative hydrodealkylation and non-aromatics hydrocracking techniques were reviewed in this paper.
18.The invention is applied to the catalytic reactions such as aromatic ketone unsymmetrical hydrogen transfer reaction and can achieve very high yield and enantiotropic selectivity.
19.Bathless people can't smell aromatic by forcedly spraying perfume. Fame and nobility comes from genuine ability and learning. One with good virtue smells sweet naturally.
20.This study focused on the recovery of aromatic polycarboxylic acids from the mother liquor of manufacturing trimellitic anhydride and it's application for making mixed plastifier.