1.When you have finished using the axe, please replace it.
2.He swung the axe and with one blow split open the door.
3.Having no particular political axe to grind, he stood for election as an independent candidate.
4.The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree.
斧头太钝, 砍不倒树。
5.2,500 staff were axed as part of a rationalization programme.
6.The axe go to the wood where it borrow its helve.
7.I started to chop furiously, the dry wood riving and splintering under the axe.
8.The chancellor bluntly warned the Cabinet to axe public spending or face higher taxes.
9.The tangent, binormal, and normal attributes represent the coordinate axes of the tangent space surrounding each vertex.
10.I axed her once if she would want pipes and t'ings put into her body.
11.They equipped themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.
12.It is said that another 350 jobs were axed by the company yesterday
据说该 公司昨天又裁员三百五十名。
13.Results Gnathion and gonion showed positive displacement on X and Y axes and negative displacement on Z axis.
14.High-rankers in this clan love to don military trappings, such as medals, eagle-wing or axe cap-badges, binoculars, monocles, and bandoliers festooned with grenades.
15.A cymose inflorescence in which each axis produces two opposite or subopposite lateral axes.
二歧聚伞花序 Dichasium 每个花分为两条相对或近相对的侧轴的聚伞花序。
16.In order to achieve the fabrication of noninvolute beveloid gears with crossed axes by using the existing machine tools, the tooth profile errors and axial errors should be studied.