1.In “It's a bloody miracle!”, “bloody” is used as an intensive word.
在“It's a bloody miracle!”一句中, bloody是用作加强语气的词。
2.They took bloody reprisals against the leaders.
3.He is too bloody cocksure about everything.
4.Ouch, bloody hell! Oops, excuse my French!
5.He got a bloody nose in the fight.
6.Leave me alone or I'll bloody your nose.
别动我, 否则我要揍得你鼻子淌血。
7.I should bloody well hope so.
8.She also saw the bloody cilice around his thigh, the wound beneath it dripping.
9.It's bloody wonderful!
10.He is a bloody fool.
11.I exscind my skin ,in order to canvass my heart,a vivid heart,a bloody heart,an entire heart.
12.Or, like me, are you just plain knackered and thankful the whole bloody shebang is finally over?
13.Teen angst is taken to a bloody finale in this badly written and directed short. It's a critique of middlebrow American life.
14.The manorialism, Puritan culture, bloody slavery and the Civil War, which was looked upon as a catastrophe, were rich soil for development of South Gothic novel.
15.I scratched my car at the EXACT same spot again.I am truly a trueblue stewpid fool.It's this bloody column erected in the middle of a slope in a carpark.
16.Gaza is only the latest bloody reminder that when this particular conflict is left to smoulder, it tends to ignite with a bang, the reverberations of which travel far beyond Palestine itself.