4.Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity.
5.The man we thought dead walked bodily into the room.
6.He was charged with maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm.
7.Fortunately, his head injuries left his bodily functions unimpaired.
8.Qingdao is a resort efficacious for a variety of bodily ills.
9.Each of the bodily organs has its own specific (al) function.
10.The audience rose bodily.
11.Carry bodily form, the figure of overstaffed and all over adipose meeting lets a person appear anility.
12.The electronic image co titutes in Bianco-Valente videos a kind of cerebral exte ion, the po ibility of a bodily dematerialization.
13.You can contract Aids if your bodily fluids come into contact with the bodily fluids of someone else who is infected with HIV.
14.(Sweet legumin of 2) heparin and benzyl acetone: Can improve Gao Ning position of blood, and prevent kidney spherule sclerosis and new moon bodily form to become.
( 2)肝素与苄丙酮香豆素:可以改善血液的高凝状态,而防止肾小球硬化及新月成。
15.22 6 And he overcame the bitterness not by bodily strength, not by force of arms; But by word he overcame the smiter, recalling the sworn covenants with their fathers.
16.The Hindu caste system forces 15 percent of India's population to do jobs deemed “unclean”—anything that involves contact with bodily fluids, such as leatherwork and laundry or burying the dead.