1.Is there any possible psychological explanation for his bad health?
2.It is Mabinogi Online Gold , apparently, the psychological flip side to Affluenza.
3.Training the good psychological quality and the preservable style of volleyball court. 8.
4.Transpersonal psychology is claimed the Fourth Force in psychological circles, which emphasizes spirituality.
5.This one theory has bright pragmatical tendency, represented the trend of psychological development.
6.Work also provides psychological well-being.
7.The publication of her first novel came at the psychological moment, and she became well known very quickly.
8.Chronic orchialgia, whose positive signs defy routine examinations, is usually misdiagnosised as chronic prostatitis or a psychological disorder.
9.On the psychological basis of cognitive therapy theory,identity theory,and narrative theory,bibliotherapy goes through at least three stages: identification,catharsis,insight.
10.Based on some achievements in cognitive science, psychology and behavioristic science, RT provides us with much knowledge of the psychological mechanism of inference.
11.By music nursing combined with dredging psychology in peri-operation period, the psychological anypnia, low emotion, actuation and nevous anxiety before operation were improved.
12.And the psychological stress incidences caused by acute mountain sickness, enviroment inadaptation, and climate inadaptation were the higher, respectively was 54.3%, 33.2%, 25.2%.
13.Prefessional Taedium vitae of teachers is one important psychological factor constraints the full display of professional teachers' potential and their achievement in teaching.
14.Objective To explore the clinical safety and efficacy of bilateral stereotactic cingulotomy against psychological dependence in heroin addicts and the possible mechanism it works.
目 探讨立体定向双侧扣带回毁损术治疗海洛因依赖手术安全性和临床疗效及其可能作用机制。
15.Certainly, regarding the most chanteurs, guides the chanteur in the stage the tense psychological factor is many and varied, like technology.Physiology.Practice.Situation factor and so on.
16.But this may betray a certain psychological naivete, for a growing research base is showing much of our moral thinking is automatic and nonconscious - mindless even.