1.These processes include things like cognitive dissonance, the consistency bias and misattribution.
2.Is transient global amnesia a risk factor for amnestic mild cognitive impairment?
3.The following part defines and classifies denominal verbs.Related aspects are touched, including cognitive basis and conversion process.
4.Nominalization occurs not only at word level, but also at morpheme level, and its cognitive mechanism is metonym.
5.On the psychological basis of cognitive therapy theory,identity theory,and narrative theory,bibliotherapy goes through at least three stages: identification,catharsis,insight.
6.Because ELN mutations cause vascular disease but not cognitive abnormalities, these data implicate LIMK1 hemizygosity in imparied visuospatial constructive cognition.
7.They found that the students who had a nap did better in a test of cognitive function than their napless counterparts.
8.The mechanisms of cognitive impairment caused by carotid diseases are associated with hypoperfusion, leukodystrophy, silent or lacunar infarcts and neuronal degeneration.
9.Spontaneous otogenic pneumocephalus is a rare condition and was previously understood to present with subtle symptoms of headache, aphasia and cognitive deficits.
10.Tuovinen and Sweller (1999) showed that exploration practice caused a much larger cognitive load and led to poorer learning than worked-examples practice.
11.As base thinking mode, philosophy offers logic base in the theory for education.Philosophy affects education in the cognitive frame and worth appulse.
12.Based on some achievements in cognitive science, psychology and behavioristic science, RT provides us with much knowledge of the psychological mechanism of inference.
13.Through a sample of linguistic case studies focusing on Haitian Creole morphosyntax, we will explore Creolization from a cognitive, historical and comparative perspective.