3.The cardinal signs of inflammation are rubor (redness), calor (heat), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain), and loss of function.
4.Swapping pleasantries, two cardinals prepare to enter the Synod Hall for a consistory, an assembly of cardinals that advises the pope.
5.Jia Meixiang said that autism's performance for exchange barrier, speech disorder and mechanical behavior three big cardinal symptoms, also called the trigeminy sickness.
6.Yet, the reason I most remember Carter's performance was that I broke one of sportswriting's cardinal rules: No cheering in the press box.
7.Vitreous changes were cardinal findings.Vitreous cells were noted in 27(77%) eyes, snowball in 15(43%) and retrolental condensation in 7(20%).Snowbank was found in only 1(3%) eye.