1.The pope would send a legatine commission to England.
2.She's outfoxed and outfought Popes, the Holy Roman Empire, France and Spain combined.
3.The office of the pope is called the Papacy; his ecclesiastical jurisdiction is called the Holy See (Sancta Sedes).
4.Swapping pleasantries, two cardinals prepare to enter the Synod Hall for a consistory, an assembly of cardinals that advises the pope.
5.He accepted the imperial crown from the Roman people instead of from the pope (1328) and backed the appointment of an antipope.
6.Popes seldom weigh in on economic matters and rarely in the form of an encyclical, one of the most authoritative forms of papal writing.
7.The triggerman was apprehended almost immediately. He was identified as Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish terrorist. Agca had publicly vowed to kill the pope during the potiff's 1979 visit to Turkey.