4.The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners.
5.Ferdinand abdicated the throne in favour of the emperor's brother.
6.The emperor was clad in a rich robe encrusted with jewels.
7.The emperor’s decrees and letters were in the national archives.
8.The emperor of Russia Peter I was given the appellation “the Great ”.
9.They prostrated themselves before the emperor.
10.The wars were due to the emperor’s aggression, egomania and lust for power.
[B] 这场战争是因为拿破仑的野心、自大和对权力的贪欲才引起的。
11.The sitology expert that London emperor tall controls a hospital is right stick piece had a test, think really effective.
12.Emplace the statuary of the emperor in fane also indicate the relationship between kaiserdom and magisterium, which was combined and utilized each other.
13.All the images were taken down.And though the angels came down from heaven so it was said and beat the impious emperors, the iconoclasm continued.
14.The ancient emperors wielded Huang Di because howlet is a lucky bird and a raptor ,rather than a bird that eats his mother,or a evil bird.
15.Both emperors pronounced panegyrics for their father from the Rostra, and they appointed a flamen for him chosen from their own kinsmen and a college of Aurelian priests55 from their closest friends.