1.Tropical fruits, citrus and grass finishing fresh and zingy.
2.Citrus growers were cautioned to protect the fruit from frost.
3.The frost last week was a great calamity to the citrus industry.
4.Oranges and lemons are citrus fruits.
5.Significantly, more melanose incidence occured in the skirt of citrus canopy than in the top.
6.Well-balanced,notably crisp and refreshing,showing a tasty acidity;yet with a velvety texture.Concludes with crip citrus notes.
7.Acridone alkaloids, a group of important bioactive compounds, are mainly in the citrus plant of Rutaceae family.
8.It appears to be related to a bacterium transmitted by the potato psyllid's relative, the citrus psyllid.
9.JianYang Tangelo,a new citrus hybrid cultivar,originated from a bud mutation of a tangelo cultivar introduced from abroad.
10.There are citrus Huanglongbing,Tristeza,Exocortis and Tatter-leaf of the graft-trans-missible diseases occurred in the citrus-producing areas in Fujian.
11.Zesty flavors aromas of tropical fruit such as kiwi, gooseberry, pineapples and mangos with a hint of grassiness are complemented by creamy citrus notes.
12.Ceviche also spelled as cebiche, seviche or cevice) is a form of citrus marinated seafood salad that originated in its current form in peru.
13.Very elegant, fine, and fresh. Citrus notes appear, such as lime, and are accompanied by aromatic flowers. A light mineral edginess in the background contributes complesity.
14.Current study of citrus acridone is focusing on the tissue of root and stem, and there is no report on the study of fruit acridone up to now.
15.Oil spotting (oleocellosis) was a prevalent physiological rind disorder of citrus fruits that was caused by the action of phytotoxic rind oils released from the oil cells in the flavedo.