1.Japan has signed a convention of peace with a neighbouring country.
2.Japan has signed a convention of peace with a neighboring country.
3.The governor will keynote the convention.
4.At the recent convention a declaration was adopted.
5.Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.
6.Simple example, in regular procedure inextricability, breaks free from the convention, seeks the method.
7.In the time of the Principate's consolidation, all the princeps' power and the status followed old conventions.
8.It is an established convention to speak of the fixed stars as a standard unaccelerated reference frame .
9.Old conventions die hard.
10.It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically.
11.Jo, fifteen, was tall, thin, and coltish, and gloried in an unconcealed scorn of polite conventions.
12.Charismatic, astute and candid, she is a visionary business thinker who is the perfect keynoter for your convention, meeting or strategic retreat.
13.The producer type of digitlization is in from go up at all the foundation of totteringly convention manufacturing industry, the technical revolution of an ecbolic manufacturing industry.
14.This showed constitutor of standard of our country accounting complies with international trend, the manner that standard of accounting of hope our country draws close to international convention.
15.Under the new conditions, it’s an urgent problem that faces us how to syncretize the engineering cost management in China with the world trend and the international convention.
16.Given the distance between my previous role as a convention gate-crasher and my newfound role as convention keynoter, I had some cause to worry that my appearance in Boston might not go very well.
17.Having suffered grievously from biological weapons attacks in the past, China supports work that helps comprehensively to strengthen the effectiveness of the convention. It has actively participated in the work of drawing up a Protocol of the Ad Hoc Group of States Parties to the BWC established in 1994, and has made contributions to the progress of the negotiations on the Protocol.