10.Methods To make a comparative study of the effects of colonic neostomy on umbilicus with conventional colostomy method.
方法 切除脐孔后将结肠末端于腹壁缺损处行结肠造口并与传统造口术作比较。
11.The massecuite thus obtained is then separated into anhydrous crystals of maltitol and mother liquor by conventional separation methods.
12.The recent developments in conventional synthesis of naphthol are summarized, including sulfonation alkali-fusion, via isopropyl naphthalene, hydrolysis, via tetrahydronaphthalene.
13.Do you think whether or not you got any sense of obsession or fike regarding conventional work and life?
14.In the electronic reconnaissance area, the conventional detection method of the radar pulse signal is based on nonmatched envelope detection.
15.Relative to atypical antipsychotic use, conventional antipsychotic use was associated with a higher risk for death at all time points.
16.Beamforming algorithm in the minimum variance distortionless response beamformer and give a diagram of conventional beamforming and MVDR two waveforms.
17.The paper introduces their salt-tolerance mech anism and research progress regarding conventional anaerobic or aerobic sludge, halophile and salt-tolerant yeast.
18.Type 190 Ballistics Longitude-Latitude Photographic Plate (BLL, photoplate) is dedicated for night photography of luminous ballistics of conventional or strategical arms.
19.Each objective function was nondimensionalized, and the multiobjective optimization function was solved by conventional weighting method.Sample point was appointed by uniform design.
20.The distribution as well as the content of the particles in N-P electroless codeposits is determined by means of conventional stereome-tric metallograph.