2.His rigid translation of this literary work borders on literalness.
3.There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country.
4.Sarah did not want to be bound by a rigid timetable.
5.The policy of the annually balanced budget represents a rigid straightjacket.
6.The examination was so rigid that nearly all aspirants were ruled out.
考试很, 几乎所有考生都被淘汰了。
7.An entirely rigid system is impractical.
8.The Japanese have a rigid code of etiquette,which may seem artificial to foreigners.
9.She was rigid with fear.
10.The role of polyoxyethylene triol,rosin polyester polyol and asphalt in the asphalt-polyurethane rigid foam was stressed.
11.Screw compensation algorithm including coning and sculling compensations reduces the noncommutable error caused by rigid body .
12.Conclusions: Open reduction and internal rigid fixation are effective in the treatment of condyloid process fractures.
13.The perfect combination of high rigid structure and aerometal has strong stability,can bear large pressure, making the whole machine durable.
14.In this paper,rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of a curvic beam attached with a central rigid body undergoing spatial large overall motion,is investigated.
15.The relationship between polhode and herpolhode of the instant center of a rigid body when it makes a plane paraller motion is presented.
16.Because the ideal “rigid joint” and “hinged joint” are inexistent, the stiffness of any connection types is between ideal rigid joint and hinged joint.
17.The prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridge is widely used because of its high strength, lightful line type, convenient and fast construction, long-span ability.
18.A certification method to the relationship between polhode cone and herpolhode cone is given when the rigid body is in a fixed point motion.
19.A rigid and light mantle joins tightly between the geophone body and its tailcone, combining with the tailcone, to form a device called geophone seat.
20.The disbursal of military provisions had rigid institutional criterion.From the bamboo texts,the enlistee's sibs were provided with the right of military provision,the sibs of SUIZHANG were not.