1.Corn coronals may not develop if the soil gets too dry or the sun too hot.
2.Methods By a coronal or medial canthal incision, we applied transnasal medial canthopexy to repair medial canthal detachment.
3.Resemble floor glue same, the skirting board on the market often by each floor trader coronals with " special " title.
4.Total length of tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatial, palatoglossal and palatopharyngcal muscle were demonstrated on coronal images in 10 cases.
5.Conclusion Anatomic variations of ostiomeatal com plex are common findings.Using coronal position together with naphazoline hydro chloride dropping is of first choice in CT examination.
6.Results We learn that coronal CT with assistant horizontal CT scan can make a very clear display about subtie structure of Paranasal sinus, lesion area and extent.