2.The paradox of earth is that it cradles life and then entombs life.
大地的奥妙于它既生长万物, 亦埋葬万物。
3.The child slept soundly in her cradle.
4.I cradled the baby in my arms.
5.Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles.
6.Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.
7.She was cradling a small parcel in the crook of her elbow.
8.Civilization was cradled somewhere in Asia.
9.The baby slumbered in his cradle.
10.Remember to put the telephone back in the cradle when you've finished.
11.He was cradled in luxury.
12.Water is a lifespring, it is us the cradle of the life on this blue heavenly body and indicative.
人类的文明之舟,自古依水而行。水是生命的源泉,是 我们这个蓝色星球上生命的摇篮和象征。
13.Cradled in the sunlit lunar crescent, the night side of the Moon is faintly illuminated by earthshine -- sunlight reflected from planet Earth.
14.Behind these beds, and half hidden, stood an uncurtained wicker cradle, in which the little boy who had cried all the evening lay asleep.
15.The revanche du berceau (“revenge of the cradle”) dreamed of by some romantic nationalists as retaliation for the British conquest of 1759 didn't seem so far-fetched.
16.And then Simon saw that what she had cradled, that which now dangled from an outflung hand, was a doll… a doll made from reeds and leaves and twining stems of grass.
17.Third TaleA mother had her child taken from the cradle by elves.In its place they laid a changeling with a thick head and staring eyes who would do nothing but eat and drink.