1.There are strict criteria for inclusion in the competition.
2.Objective To clarify the CT criteria for encephalitic stage and enveloped stage of brain abscess.
3.Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of byssinosis.
4.What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work?
5.Now the examination score serves as the only criterion for a student's academic performance.
6.Totemism is the behaving criterion of Australian Aboriginal people, which impenetrate almost every aspect of their life.
7.Objective To observe the effects of Atropine application criterion in treating post-atropinization patients with serious organophosphorus poisoning.
8.94 patients meeting criteria for insomnia were randomly assigned into zopiclone group and alprazolam group,treated for 4 weeks.
9.We shall find the rational basis of the new criterion respectively from the perspective of linguistics, epistemology and axiological philosophy.
10.In his conceptuardenfors regards convexity rule as the criterion of projectibility, and uses it to distinguish lawlike hypotheses from accidental ones.
11.Work to provide a design that not only meets the customers criteria, but is also of high quality, cost effective, and manufacturable.
12.Based on the new method, a criterion of determining overconstrained mechanisms was presented and a new four-loop planar overconstrained mechanism was certified.
13.ResultsBased on the classification of appraising criterion on acute toxicity test via mouth,skin and inbreathe with Wistar rat,LDS belonged to a feeb...
14.Nursing manipulation should depend on repeated training,a criterion and playact of resuscitation. key of exerting the go-aheadism of students is teaching for everybody.
15.This criterion is reasonable because it is not expressed in terms of the precessional velocity, but the angular velocity of the permanent rotation.
16.Introduce the criterion for evalution of remolten magnesium-ingot,discuss the determining factor for the product quantity of mechanical-ingo,and design the short chain casting machine.
17.Recently years the anemographic phenomenon of fiscal information is more and more serious.An important reason is the criterion of bursarial occupational morality play down.
18.Based on the study of the failure mechanism of RCC gravity dams,the hypoelastic criteria are proposed as the design criteria of RCC gravity dams.
19.Based on the years experiences, the author summarized and provided the main criterion and technique measures for improved cytoplasmic male sterile monogerm hybrid sugarbeet of seed reproduction.
20.Compared with other artistic categories, the art of filming possesses the strongest feeling of realness, and its footstone, artistic target, and judging criterion are all tightly mingled with verism.