1.The children showed a little constraint in the presence of the new teacher.
2.In Optimality Theory, grammar consists of a set of universal and violable constraints.
3.Language variation arises from different rankings of the violable constraints.
4.This would prompt stronger-than-projected demand, but also ex-acerbate capacity constraints.
5.He felt constraint in her presence.
6.The constraint condition for the strain energy density function of incompressible hyperelasticity is proposed.
7.The constraints concerned here are two UG principles — Subjacency and Empty Category Principle (ECP).
8.We use Lagrangian Relaxation which is based on a scheme named Compath Decomposition to dualize the capacity constraints.
9.Starting with Lagrange equations of the first kind, pure differential equations of multibody systems with rheonomic constraints are established.
10.The trifocal tensor is the mathematical expression of trifocal geometry, it has strict constraints to correspondence points and lines in three images.
11.To improve the robustness of the Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) beamforming to the array steering vector, a quadratic constraint method is proposed.
12.Prefessional Taedium vitae of teachers is one important psychological factor constraints the full display of professional teachers' potential and their achievement in teaching.
13.The absolute summability of autocorrelation sequence imposes only the continuity constraint on the power spectrum.
14.However, the constraint of the using desire and the process of releasing incriminatory sense put the image users onto the passive position of Bauhaus.
15.The contact between welding plate and fixture is treated as constraint in the finite element model of dynamic welding angular distortion simulation for overlayer in CO2 gas arc welding.