1.The actor missed his cue and came onto the stage late.
这演员错过向他发出的提示, 上。
2.When she coughs, it's my cue to come onto the stage.
她咳嗽, 就是给我暗号出。
3.Ros and Guil, cued by Hamlet, also bow deeply.
4.This cue is my very first use of Cocobolo wood.
5.This cue has 2,477 hours of tedious scrimshaw work in the cue butt and joint protectors.
6.The studio manager will cue you in when it's your turn to sing.
轮到你唱的时候, 演播室经理会向你发出暗示的。
7.Also some styling cues from 9-4X BioPower concept should appear in the final design.
8.It is known that interaural intensity difference (IID) is also an important cue in human auditory localization mechanism.
9.He said his mother would be back very soon and, right on cue, she walked in.
他说他妈妈很快回来, 说着说着, 她走进来。
10.This cues in that it’s morpha-Gentamicin but not the Metabolite of Gentamicin acting to hair cells.
11.The bell sounded for the beginning of the lesson, and, right on cue, the teacher walked in.
12.In designing the car, we took our cue from other designers who aimed to combine low cost with low petrol consumption.
13.Put your head close to the cue,so that you can see the exeat direction that you will hit the ball in.
14.The monied-men who buy my cues naturally want the best hitting and longest lasting cue their money can buy.
15.Our approach is based on a gradient domain technique that preserves important local perceptual cues while avoiding traditional problems such as aliasing, ghosting and haloing.