2.Most equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker’s own earnings.
3.Food subsidies are necessary for keeping down the price of dairy products and bread.
4.Being a roustabout was rated the worst,followed by lumberjack,ironworker,dairy farmer and welder.
5.This machine is extensively used for external packaging in such industries as medicine,food,drinks,dairy,cometic.
6.A dairy animal raiser shall timely clear, transport and dispose of the egesta and waste produced in raising dairy animals.
7.Special strains are the milking, or dairy, shorthorn, raised for milk and beef, and the polled shorthorn, a hornless variety.
8.Meanwhile, rising prosperity in country countries such as China and India means people are eating more meat and dariole dairy products.
9.So it is feasible to use mice for assaying potency of the inactivated vaccine against dairy cow chlamydiosis,thus replacing target animal dairy cow.
10.He ran his father's dairy in Kent.
11.Now we are face with actual or possible rigorous challenge of dairy safety.We must pay high attention to it.Adopt to active counterplot seriously an...
12.The dairy farming in Hokkaido has beeing developed rapidly since 50's in twertieth century, the scale of daing farm has beeing extended constantly while the family number of dairy farmer is decreased.
13.But every morning for the past six months, in his blue overalls and Wellington boots, Rob Taverner, a dairy farmer from Devon, has been practicing tai chi in front of his herd of cows.