4.She's a sentimental woman who believes marriage comes by destiny.
她是多愁善感人, 她相信姻缘命中注定。
5.Demolish, absorb a blood clan can use the improbity black sorcery to curse the person of the destiny lead toward misery.
6.There would be no sense of peoplehood, none of the untaught affections of those who are part of an organic social unit that shares the same destiny.
7.Our destiny offers not the cup of depair , but the chalice of opportunity . So let us seize it ,not in fear , but in gladness .
8.It might be a destiny, or the commiseration of God, a light of hope ignited when a young savior named Tian Ling Jian appeared in the land of devildom.
9.The Binary Clock, the ultimate gizmo for people who laugh in the face of time, play tiddlywinks on the lap of destiny, and boil bratwurst in the kitchen of fate.