3.The government's new law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions.
4.The water will dilute the wine.
5.This is a dilute solution.
6.The membrane can be used for concentrating ethanol from dilute ethanol-water mixture through pervaporation process owing to its alcohol-permselective properties.
7.The bugaboos in larger versions of this optimistic vision are highly variable flows of material, and decentralized, dilute concentrations of reclaimable stuff.
8.By the reaction of 2 aryl 5 mercapto 1,3,4 triazoles with alkyl dihalide in presence of dilute base, ten new title compounds had been prepared.
9.Which indubitably indicate that the bismuthous sulfide can only dissolve in halogen acid except hydrofluoric acid, the mixed solution of dilute sulfuric acid and alkali halide.
10.The operation of the slurry pumps for transferr in g sludge in the dilute phosphoric acid defecator in the phosphoric acid producti on is mostly not satisfactory.
11.The method for determine sewage's chroma is method of dilution multiple.It's easy to bring in error when using eyes to determine the diluted sample is whether achromatism or not.
12.Xanthin in corn starch residue is a mixture of fat soluble and water soluble pigments, which are blood red in colour in the pure extraction and lemon yellow in its diluted solution.