4.He dodged cleverly when she threw her shoe at him.
她用鞋子砸向他时, 他机敏地闪开。
5.He tried all sorts of dodges to avoid being called up.
他挖空心思, 耍弄各种花招以逃被征召入伍。
6.Whatever you do, work hard at it and don't try to dodge the column.
无论做什么事, 都要努力去做, 别偷懒。
7.He never dodges.
8.Adam dodged between the cars.
9.Agility :- A good way to boost our avoidance, agility provides the most efficient means to boost our dodge rate but is hard to itemise for.
10.Close up, the workmanship that went into each ripple and shadowy layer of tulle was inimitably precious, yet somehow the designers successfully dodged the hazard of veering into overdone froufrou.