2.If a forest fire cannot be extinguished, devastation is sure to ensue.
3.Repeated rebuffs couldn't extinguish my enthusiasm.
4.His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague.
5.You may extinguish a nation, but not the love of liberty.
你可以消灭一个国家, 但不能消灭对自由的热爱。
6.She was extinguished by her sister.
7.Water extinguished the fire.
8.Comparison experiments of water mist with polycomponent water mist,and the test on polycomponent water mist's extinguishing efficiency against ethanol and ethanol motor spirit fire were done.
9.It is thus that, athwart the cloud which formed about him, when all his hopes were extinguished one after the other, M.Mabeuf remained rather puerilely, but profoundly serene.
10.And, as in the legend, it had resulted that her Cyprian image had suddenly appeared upon his altar, whereby the fire of the priest had been wellnigh extinguished.