6.The new stadium is on the farther side of the river.
7.Her voice -ries farther than mine.
8.His voice carried farther than mine.
9.The trains are all to pot today because of a derailment farther down the line.
今天火混乱不堪, 因为面有列火了。
10.Now triangular blades farther back, like secateurs, help the stoat to cut meat away from bone.
11.Of strong market the farther extruding that adding a look is vivosphere of pair of weak force market actually.
12.The woman tells the cabdriver the next address, some place a little farther uptown, and the cab swings into traffic.
13.The last of the sun disappears.The panpipe in the distance begins to play, flutelike and joyful, getting farther and farther away.
14.Those who had been waiting before him, but farther away, now drew near, and by a certain stolidity of demeanour, no words being spoken, indicated that they were first.